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  • Children must be five years old on or before September 1 to enter kindergarten.

  • Any general student who turns eighteen (18) years old on or before September 1 will not be eligible to enroll. Any special education student who turns twenty-one (21) years old on or before September 1 will not be eligible to enroll.

  • You will need an original birth certificate or a certified copy of a birth certificate for any child who is enrolling.

  • You will need to show proof that your child has been immunized against communicable diseases including measles, mumps, polio, etc. 

  • As determined by Utah State Law, Mana Academy is required to have immunization records or a waiver from the Health Department for each enrolled child. Exemptions are available to parents for medical, religious, or personal convictions. If your child has not been immunized according to the Utah Schedule, obtain an exemption form from the County Health Department.

  • Your child's legal name (the name that appears on the birth certificate) will be used on all official school records.

  • Students moving with a custodial guardian or legal guardian will need a withdrawal from their previous school of attendance, certified birth certificate (if entering kindergarten or a school in Utah for the first time), immunization records, and copies of any academic records that could assist in placing the student in appropriate classes. The previous school will send official school records to the new school once the student has officially enrolled.

  • Per Utah Code 53A-1a-519 students attending a Utah public charter school is eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity not offered by the student's charter school:

    • at the school within whose attendance boundaries the student's custodial parent or legal guardian resides;

    • the public school from which the student withdrew for the purpose of attending a charter school;

    • or a public school that is not a charter school if the student's charter school is located on the campus of the public school or has local school board approval to locate on the campus of the public school.

  • Mana Academy does not provide seminary for LDS students. We advise that you enroll your student at an early morning seminary program at the school within whose attendance boundaries the student's custodial parent or legal guardian resides. 

  • Mana Academy will conduct a lottery if the number of applicants exceeds enrollment capacity. When this happens, students are selected through a randomized lottery when a seat becomes open. Students not selected in the lottery will be waitlisted. Mana Academy does not discriminate in its admission policies and practices.

  • In compliance with Utah Code 53A-1a506, Mana Academy first enrolls its existing students for the following school year and secondarily gives enrollment preference to the following groups in the following order:

    • Children of board members, teachers and staff employed at the school

    • Siblings of students actively enrolled at Mana Academy at the time of enrollment of the sibling

    • Students who are new to Mana Academy or former students who left Mana Academy and are reapplying to return

    • Note: Every effort will be made to accept all siblings in an individual family, but this may not be possible due to the cap on class sizes.


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