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Mana Academy Charter School is now accepting Intent to Enroll applications for the 2025-2026 school year for grades K-8. PLEASE NOTE: we are NOT accepting new enrollment for grades 9-12.


Please note that this Intent to Enroll form does not register your child for Mana Academy Charter School. It merely indicates your intention to enroll your student with Mana Academy. Acceptance is solely determined by the availability of open seats per grade. If there are more applicants than open seats, prospective students will be put into a lottery. Students will be chosen randomly until open seats are filled. 


Go to the Intent to Enroll page and fill out and submit the Intent to Enroll form



Once we make a seat availability determination, you will be notified via email to move on to step two. Please make sure the email address you submit to us is correct. In the email, you will be given an option to accept or decline and you have 48 hours to do so.



If you do not accept, select NO. Your student's name will be removed from the enrollment pool. You don't have to do anything more. 


If you accept the enrollment offer, select YES. YES means your student is eligible to continue the enrollment process. This is not an admission of enrollment. You will be sent a link to complete the enrollment form. The enrollment form will include other documentation required for us to consider your enrollment packet completed and your student enrolled at Mana Academy. All required documentation and enrollment packet is due to us within two weeks of the acceptance date.  


IMPORTANT: Students who were selected but did not submit required enrollment forms by the indicated deadline are NOT considered enrolled at Mana Academy and will forfeit enrollment and be removed from the application pool. The seat will then be offered to the next student on the wait list. You must submit ALL required documentation for us to finalize the enrollment and give you an official acceptance email.


During this stage of the enrollment process, we will notify you of the status of your student's enrollment: 

P = Pending (we have received your intent to enroll and enrollment is pending for completion of the enrollment form and submission of required documentation)

H = Hold (for applicants who submitted an ITE but due to classroom size limitations they will be entered into the lottery)

I = Incomplete (enrollment packet was submitted but it is missing required documentation and enrollment will not move forward until we received those documents)

C = Complete (a complete enrollment form was received along with all required documentation)

A  = Accepted (After verification, student has met all the requirements for enrollment and is accepted) 

F = Forfeit (We didn't receive the required documentation in time, seat has been forfeited and student has been removed from the application pool)

D = Declined (Student did not meet the requirements for enrollment. Student is NOT enrolled)


In compliance with Utah Code 53A-1a506, Mana Academy first enrolls its existing students for the following school year and secondarily gives enrollment preference to the following groups:


  • Children of board members, teachers and staff employed at the school

  • Siblings of students actively enrolled at Mana Academy at the time of enrollment of the sibling

  • Every effort will be made to accept all siblings in an individual family, but this may not be possible due to the cap on class sizes and the lottery process. Siblings of students currently in the school will be given preference if openings become available. 


For students who are applying to a grade that is over capacity, they will be put into a lottery and their names will be selected through a random computer generated drawing. Notifications will be emailed to parents within 48 hours. 


Students who are not selected through the lottery process will be put on a waitlist and will be notified when a seat becomes open. If you have any questions or need to check on your enrollment status, please contact our registrar at

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