Distance Learning Resources
We will do our best to provide Chromebooks to every scholar for distance learning. More Chromebooks are on its way. To check out a Chromebook, parents must first sign a user agreement online form. The link is provided below:
Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) used at Mana Academy to deliver curriculum to scholars. Canvas is also used to monitor grades, assignment submissions, share course documents, class syllabus, facilitate message correspondence between scholars and instructors.
Parents can sign up as an observer in Canvas to view their scholar's account to see assignment dues dates, announcements, and other course content. Teachers will provide you with a Student Paring Code which you will need to sign up. Once you receive your code, follow the instructions in the link below.
How to sign up for Canvas as a parent
Aspire is the student information system (SIS) we use at Mana Academy to manage student records which includes grades, attendance, parental contact information, and important health information. Parents and scholars can log in from home and view the information we have on file for each scholar. We encourage parents to login and review contact information to ensure it is up to date, including the best phone number or email address to reach you. Aspire is where you can also access report cards at the end of each term.
(for first time users)
(for those who forgot their passwords)